Gavin got in touch for some updated actor head shots. These would be used on social media and sent to agents for castings.
I have to say Gavin was extremely comfortable in front of the camera and made it a breeze for me. You would think that an actor would be camera comfortable right? Sure on a set with video camera but it’s a different game/pace for stills and it take a little bit of a different approach.
Professional Head Shots - Stephen Bate Hypnotherapy
It’s always great to meet another local small business. Stephen has recently started his Hypnotherapy business and was looking for some head-shots for his site, social media and print materials.
An appointment was made for a few days later and we got to work.
Head Shots of Lynne
I think I have said it before on the blog that head shots are more important in today’s world than ever. They are needed for business profiles, casting agencies, social media and many other uses.
A good head shot can go along way.
The images here are from a head shot session with the lovely Lynne who is a natural in front of the camera I might add.
#makeportraits - Ann
Ann was kind enough to give up some of her time for me to photographer her for this project. So far I have photographed 5 people for it in between client work and I am not done yet.
These sessions are not always planned out or premeditated. Sometimes you just have to get together with a person, camera and some light and make portraits.
That said I did have an idea that I wanted to try for this session… more on that later.