I would like to start this post by saying thank you to Caroline for allowing me in to her home to photograph her and literally the day after she had returned from Holiday as well. Also thank you to the gent that is Mark Sands-Foy for putting me in touch with Caroline.
With #makeportraits I am spending time getting to know the person in front of the lens and making a portrait that is them and some cool shots as well. Less posed and more story / body language.
When you are walking in to a location that you don’t know you have to start thinking on your feet to find shots and spaces to light/shoot in. Camera, Lens, Light…. And ohh that’s a cool looking background.
Some places are better than others but I will take them over setting up a seamless at the moment. Don’t get me wrong I love shooting in studio and have done for #makeportraits, but I will see if I can get access to their space (home, workplace, location) to change things up when possible.
Caroline was gracious enough to let me and my gear take over her home for a couple of hours.
The first thing I spotted when entering her home was that cool as hell parrot and flower wall paper in the kitchen and I knew we would shoot in that space first.
Caroline is a cool lady to photograph and chat to, this meant that I was feeling comfortable and welcome as soon as I walked in the door. We talked about life, family, holiday locations and the world in general. The time flew by.
On to the images…
Do stay in touch Caroline and thanks again.
You can sign up for #makeportraits here.