The Elite Pro 2 I have gone for is a 600ws mono block so it meets my power requirements plus about a third of a stop. I plan to put it up against the Bowens 500WS head in a metering test so watch this space. You can also get a 300ws version and a Superfast version of the Elite Pro 2 from Lencarta. The Super fast have faster flash durations but I can't justify the jump in price right now and I don't shoot a whole lot of movement that requires freezing.
The build quality is rock solid and Lencarta provide a 3 year warranty on the head which is great. I picked mine up at the photography show after getting hands on and talking to Michael Sewell about the Lencarta gear in some detail.
Below are some reasons I went with the Lencarta gear.
- UK Company.
- Good Warranty.
- 600ws.
- Price £259.99 +£10 for a reflector (This should come with the light really)
- S-Mount fit which is far better than Bowens, it has a nice positive click when locking in place and is very secure.
- 250w Modelling lamp. Very bright and can be also used for video.
- Flash tubes only cost £50 to replace.
- Flash tube can be fully switched off.
- Fast recycle time even on full power, in fact so fast it has had me check the power setting a few times so far.
- Easy to use controls.
- Come with a spare fuse.
- Cooling fan works well and is not too noisy.
- The flash tube dome that protects the tube is a nice touch, really nice.
- The new generation reflector is 1/3rd more efficient than the old one.
I will need to pick up a Softbox soon as my Westcott Apollo 50” only just fits the Gen 1 Lencarta Smart Flash in. To be fair this was going to be true with most mono block solutions as those Westcott Apollo soft boxes are designed for speedlites really. The Phottix Indra would fit though... OMFG stop it Rick!
I currently have 6 S-Mount modifiers but some are on loan.
1. Beauty Dish – Lencarta 28” Silver with diffuser. – On long term loan
2. Strip Box with grid – Not sure on the size. – On long term loan.
3. 7” Reflector with grids. (10,20,30,40 degree grids) – My own.
4. Lencarta White 16" Beauty Dish with 30' Grid.
5. Calumet 32" Softbox.
6. Background Reflectors - Which by the way also make for interesting key lights.
I have other modifiers that I can use like umbrellas and my poor mans octa (Westcott 7ft Silver Para+Diffuser)
It’s far to early to speak about performance or reliability yet but I will come back with a more detailed look at this light at a later date.
Along with the 600ws Elite Pro 2 I have been given 4 200ws Gen 1 Lancarta Smart Flash lights on long term loan by a good friend who has closed his studio down. This is awesome because it gives me plenty of studio lights to work with without having to drop the cash straight away. Thank you again Stuart.