I would like to start this post by saying thank you to Caroline for allowing me in to her home to photograph her and literally the day after she had returned from Holiday as well. Also thank you to the gent that is Mark Sands-Foy for putting me in touch with Caroline.
With #makeportraits I am spending time getting to know the person in front of the lens and making a portrait that is them and some cool shots as well. Less posed and more story / body language.
#makeportraits - Ali
During 2018 I had gotten busier with work which was great but also busier in my head. Shooting for clients is great and I love it, but you have to fulfil your own creativity or you burn out.
So towards the end of the year I sat down and made a page on my site for #makeportraits and a signup page so folk could let me know a few things about them.
Portraits of Ozzy
After shooting some head shots for Ozzy I asked if it’s ok to shoot some additional images, he kindly said yes.
Whenever I can I will get the shots wanted in the bag and then try to shoot something extra or different. It gives me new images and it can give a client options.
Product Photography : Asics Tiger - Running Shoes

I photograph people a lot and it’s my first love in photography, product Photography is a close second.
It’s relaxing to be locked (not literally) in your studio with just you, a product and your camera/lights. I can zone out and focus on the work and not tripping over the 7 plus light stands I have deployed.
Products are the smaller subjects that I photograph yet they end up requiring the most gear to be used…. Go figure.
If anyone is wondering the shoes are great, I bought a pair. Very comfortable for walking in…. what you think I’m going to go running? Images after the jump.